Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Friends help with constipation.....

Friends help with Constipation. They really do.....

Abby has challenged me to be more creative with my blog titles....capturing attention.   So I am trying.

So, you might ask, what do friends and constipation have in common?

Well....let me try to explain.

For the past few days, more than that actually,  months to be exact, I've been especially missin' my girl-friends.  When I move, the absolute hardest part, without a doubt, is saying g'bye to a friend(s).  As Anne of Green Gables puts it so well........a kindred spirit.  sigh.  It cause me to cry buckets.

Each place we've been blessed to live, God has given me the absolute best ~~ a girl-friend kindred-spirit. Sometimes more than one.  They are a treasure to behold and never to be taken for granted.

They are the kind of friend you eventually have history with.  You don't have to explain background or why or who.    The kind of friend who knows how to listen well, with compassion, and doesn't try to fix. The kind of friend who will share a 3 hour coffee, or a long glass of wine, or walk with you until you are all talked out, cried out, or "done".  The kind of friend you can laugh with until you pee your pants. The kind of friend who doesn't drop her jaw when  you tell her how you are REALLY doing. The kind of friend who helps to lighten your load and deepen your joy. She is a true treasure indeed.  Irreplaceable.  ....And so hard to hug g'bye. Because you know, she will never ever be replaced.   This kind of a "friend" is one of a kind in your heart.

I am so much a verbal processor. And when I walk through LIFE and face STUFF, I long to talk and process and put feelings into words with a much.  This is HOW I figure out what is really going on inside of me. This is how life flows more freely for me...  It is. (I must make an addendum here, Keith is the best non-girlfriend-friend a wife could ask for, BUT he will be the first to admit that he is NOT a girl.) 

Well, today, as I was all backed-up and confused in my feelings and trying to explain to Keith what was going on.......I thought about how hard it is to get things OUT, when they have been inside  ... emotionally speaking  .... for quite some time.  And there are obviously a few layers of feelings to process through.  Sometimes, it's hard to figure out how to get the layers and piles of emotionally-backed-up-stuff out.  Do you know what I mean?  I walk around with this pained look on my face because I am all jammed up.............  needing a friend.

Are you getting it?  The title?

And so's to my girl-friends.  My kindred spirit girl-friends.  From sea to shining sea, you are a rainbow of precious gems in my heart.  I love you.  Deeply.  And I miss you.  Like crazy.  I do.  And I thank each one of you with all my heart, for being you.    For being a true reflection of God's kindness and compassion and listening ear --- with skin on. 

And I'm just sayin', I'm getting a little backed-up without you. 

Thank you.
For those of you that have been asking about our WAITING, and WAITING with us. Thank you.
The very fact that you are WITH with us, brings such encouragement, let me tell you....
To update you.............
*Keith returned from Kansas City safe and sound. Nick is settled into his home & routine, he is feeling well and strong and back to "his" normal. 
*Our furniture and things arrived from PA --- Kai prayed that whoever moved our things would do it with lots of TLC.  Her prayers were answered in such a HUGE way.  Scott and Jeremy (father and son) with United Moving were the best of the best (LOTS of TLC).  And Rudy and Gabriel in Paso Robles, who helped unload ---- well, they were equally amazing.  TLC to da max.
*And ~~ Derek and Abby and Kai and Jack and Bailey are all tucked into their home.  Home.  HOME. 
*Keith and I are settling into Maxine and spreading out a bit (Maxine miraculously grew). We are hanging out in Morro Bay for now, and taking a bit of time to regroup & refresh ....before turning the page.
*Thank you for traveling with us --- your company gives us TLC on this journey.  Thank you !

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear the latest details!! We miss YOU TOO!!
