Oct 5th-9th we parked Miss Maxine in Colorado Springs, with a peek-a-boo view of Pike's Peek, Garden of the Gods and the Kissing Camels red rock formation. Kai thought the camels looked like Chester and Bailey. Thank you Steve and Patti for your friendship, and for sharing your beautiful home with us, and your flat driveway. Our time with you & your family felt as warm as the Colorado sunshine. Thanks for "ordering" the gorgeous weather just for us, and we thought it was an especially nice touch to sget to see a black bear and deer...and squirrels. Never can see too many squirrels .
The first few days in Colo Springs were pretty doggone chilly & grey & cloudy --- like, mittens and jackets and freeze your pa-tootie-off kind of chilly. And then, the weather warmed, (ahhhhhhhh) , the sky became Colorado deep deep BLUE, the jackets came off and the mittens got tucked away, AND we could see the mountains and Pikes Peak and spots where the aspens were in full glorious golden dazzlingness against the blue skies and evergreens. And in contrast, we saw evidence of where the summer fires had burnt the mountainsides and there was little sign of life :-( , so very sad.
After the weather warmed, we took a long hike up in the mountains, ...and smelled the trees...and listened to the wind ruffle the aspen leaves, and soaked it all in. Gorgeous. There was one moment Keith looked up....smiled.....took a deep breath and said, "I can feel God hugging me." There's just something about the Rocky Mountains.......
Another highlight in Colorado Springs was a trip to Focus on the Family --- and the kiddos (Kai, Jack, & Caleb) and the big kiddos (their mommy's and daddy's) played in the Imagination Station and Witt's End. Time in this spot, created just for kids, brought back a kazillion fun memories of reading childhood books, & countless hours of listening to & imagining the Adventures in Odyssey stories.
We left Colorado Springs yesterday, venturing north to the edge of Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park. After getting off the main highway and heading toward the park........off in a field, we saw a huge heard of elk grazing. Late in the night we heard them bugling ~~ it is a beautiful and eerie sound, all at the same time.
We made a BIG pot of Southwest Green Chili for dinner, and it was the perfect night for it, in the crisp mountain air..... it tasted so good, warming us from head to toe, inside and out. Yessssirrrreeeeee.
Today, another bright and glorious Colorado day. (honestly, I am NOT exaggerating, it really is glorious. it is. honest. :-) ) A PERFECT day for Derek's cousin's wedding up in Estes Park. And here's the coolest thing ever ----- Matt and Melanie (Derek's sister), and Durrel (Derek's brother) and Mel, flew into Denver for the wedding ---- and arrived at our campsite this morning. There were hugs and tears all around ..... a mini family reunion right here in Rocky Mtn Nat'l Park. Who'd a thought?! And thank you to Rowena, Derek's sweet mom, for making AND sending along those deee-licious PA pumpkin whoopie pies !!! We wish you and Amos could have hand delivered those yummy treats~~ you are greatly missed!
Derek & Abby, Matt & Melanie, Durrel and Mel, are all exploring Estes Park and I imagine doing some gorgeous hikes on this amazing fall day in Rocky Mtn National Park --- Keith and I are hanging out at the campground with Kai and Jack (and the squirrel chasers). The kiddos are snoozin' as I type this, and I feel pretty spoiled with the view out my "Maxine" window, it is kind of .... well..... amazing.... greens, golds, mountains, AND a river. (and squirrels)
I hear Jack stirring, so I had better press pause for now.
Love to all.... (Chester and Bailey, our squirrel experts, send tail wags)
PS A NOTE FROM ChEsTEr ~~ SQuiRrELs in Colorado are grey with orange tummies. SqUIrrELS in PA are gray. all over. SQUiRrELS in Niagra Falls are black and some have orange tails. SqUiRrELs in Kansas are sort of brown. Just sayin'.
Keith getting hugged by God :-) |
Colorado is just like I remembered...
Blow a kiss up to the Colorado night skies and stars a plenty for me. Glad you're all happy campers enjoying the mountains. Love and hugs, Sandy