Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5th Snowy Surrprises

First of all....HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE KERMIT.  You are the best Uncle Kermey in the whole wide world ~~ we love you and wish you the best birthday ever.

Our surprise this morning ~~ waking up to snow flurries on the plains of Colorado. As in Giant Flake snow flurries.  oh my!  You just never know what surprises God has up His sleeve each day.

We made it through Kansas a little bit faster than we thought, and we stayed last night in the little town of Seibert, Colorado.  Not exactly the garden capitol of Colorado, but  our RV stopoverspot  had hook-ups, washing machines, AND a HOT-hot tub ~~~ everything we needed plus a wee bit more.

As I said, we woke up to snow --- we were all kind of dropping our jaws at the white flakes falling from the sky, and the COLD weather.  Kai was not thrilled about putting on leggings and long sleeves. nope nope nope :-)  We checked the weather in San Luis Obispo, Calif...sunny and WARM. (just sayin')

As I type this, the clouds are sort of lifting and blue sky is tying to poke through, it's still pretty-darn freezin' and we are on the road again, headed to Colorado Springs to visit with dear friends.

This is "a Plan B - Plan" as far as the timing of our visit to The Springs,
and we are very thankful for very flexible friends.
We met Steve & Patti in California, when Abby and their daughter Heidi were just babies. Our families have remained close friends throughout both of our family's many moves here, there, & everywhere. Abby & Derek, and Heidi & Jeff , had their baby boys within one month of each other ~~~ and we can hardly wait to meet little Caleb for the first time,  kiss his sweet cheeks....and have Jack and Caleb meet one another.  (from the pictures, they look like two peas in a pod!)

This morning, I overheard Abby talking to a friend. She mentioned that we are truly enjoying "this Journey" ~~~ finding a rhythm in our traveling lifestyle, learning what works and what doesn't. We are not only enjoying our scheduled longer stops to parks and places....but finding extra-joy in the surprises and places that are "unplanned" --- the beauty or fun or joy God blesses us with in the middle of Kansas or Iowa or Maine or Vermont, the in-between spots where we least expect it.

How true.

Last night Derek to told us he was talking to the man parked next to us in his HUGE motor home.  He and his wife are from British Columbia and have been on the road 7 months, just loving their travels "aye"~~ they are headed south and planning to be on the road 7 more months.  Derek said he was thinkin', wow, I'd like to do that!  Then he realized.... Wow, I am doin' it !  
How fun is that!
It is hard to believe it was a month ago yesterday that we pulled out of Lancaster on this great & incredible journey. We had excitement, a few tears, many question marks, and adventure in our hearts.  We are really glad we came.
 What a ride!

PS ~~ Kai just shouted, "There are the mountains, The Colorado Rocky Mountains! I can see them! "
Yup...we can.


1 comment:

  1. LIKE!
    Hope we can see you when/if you come through Pagosa! (We're not as cold as the eastern slope, BTW!) LOVE YOU and thanks for sharing!
