Friday, December 7, 2012

Road Narrows

Good Morning.  It's Aloha Friday. We are in Morro Bay, California, it's a beautiful sunny day, 13 short miles from San Luis Obispo.  I have butterflies.  I do.

Yesterday we traveled the most gorgeous (I should say one of the most gorgeous…since we have traveled a lot of gorgeous)  winding stretches of highways ~~  this bit of highway is famous for beauty, it is … HWY 1 between Big Sur and Morro Bay. One side of the road is MOUNTAIN & REDWOODS, straight up to the sky, the other side of the road is STEEP CLIFFS, straight down to the sea.  The road is so narrow and twisty and beautiful --- it is like with every curve , you take a deep breath in, and say “ohmygosh, look at that view.”  And then you say, “yikes” because that cliff is so darn close. And steep-down.  With no guard rails sometimes.
Derek drove Maxine along this stretch of beauty,  and at one point he just started laughing out loud...  He saw a sign that read,  ROAD NARROWS.  He said, “Road narrows?  You gotta be kidding me.”  The road was already so narrow, Maxine had been hanging  her sides and hiney over the edge on every bend.  Anyways, as Derek was taking the curves like a champ, and staying between the mustard and mayo, (that's what we call those colored lines on the HWY's),  the adults were enjoying the breath-taking views,  kids and dogs were snoozin', and I was remembering  another trek down HWY 1, about 42 years ago (that sounds like a long time ago, geez).

Keith and I were just young whipper-snappers (that is a totally crazy expression, where did that come from?), and we,  & 4 others (my brother and his sweet wife included), did a 14 day camping bike trip, as in bicycle, trekking from San Franciso to Santa Barbara, via the coast. Who woulda ever dreamed, way back then, that I'd marry my bike-buddy, let alone be riding in a motorhome named Maxine,  with our kiddos & grandkids and dogs, towing a turquoise VW-Van along this same stretch of HWY.  .............I mean, seriously. 

(I think God smiled BIG 42 years ago.....and He is still smilin'.  Hang onto your hat, you just never know what surprises are around the next bend.) 

A trip down memory lane....our first home in Mount Hermon, California, tucked under the Redwood Trees
Big Sur..... Daddy and daughter

Morning in the Redwoods, camped at Big Sur

Snuggling on the beach at Big Sur

Highway 1, in the distance, Cambria, Morro Bay, then...San Luis Obispo
(Where in the world is the BIKE LANE? Still wonderin' after 42 yrs....)

PS..... This morning's post is not getting posted til now...tonight.  AND.....Ta-Daaaa....Today...
We crossed over "the line" into San Luis Obispo.  You might have heard us yell  YEEE HAH.  We tootled around a bit, and had lunch at the Creeky Tiki on Higuera Street, where we had lunch a year ago.   BUT,  I don't think it's really official yet,  that we are REALLY in SLO, because Maxine stayed camped in Morro Bay, & she has not crossed the finish line yet.   Just sayin'. ;-)
At the Creeky Tiki for lunch....Kai is in Yeee-Haw mode

1 comment:

  1. Yeehaa!! So excited for you all! Matt and I did that drive on our 1-year anniversary- it IS SOOOO beautiful! Your pics are amazing! -Melanie
