Monday, December 3, 2012

Smellin' the Barn & other thoughts

  Thinking about chapters and books……………

Last night I was pondering about chapters/books as all us adults were talking about this final leg of our journey. Derek & Abby and Keith & I were having this conversation (while Chester was outside barking , and Kai ‘n Jack were dancing and playing and jabbering/singing to the sounds of country music) …. As I said, we were having this conversation, broken and interrupted as it was, about our being on the home stretch.

We are  camped in Santa Cruz, (listening to the pounding surf) & according to the map, we’re just a few inches from “home” ~~~ Not exactly sure if we will be on the road 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 more days. It’s like we don’t want it to end, but at the same time, “We’re smellin’ the barn” … as they say.

I was thinking about our chapter conversation from a post or two ago. One chapter ending, another beginning. I think it's more like a good book ending .... then the sequel will begin.

Maybe I’m the only one who feels this way, but…….. You know when you are reading a really good book. And you can’t wait to pick it up and read a little more. And you fall in love with the characters, because they are so very real. And you can feel all the emotion and drama and you laugh and cry and smile and sigh as the people and situations bring light and life to the story. And…… after a really good spot you might even close the book for a moment and hold it close. And ponder a line or two, or chapter. And …when you get close to the final pages, you become extra curious about how it will all wrap up, but on the other hand, you really don’t want it to end because it’s just so good.

This is how I feel today. About our “book”.

As the final chapter unfolds, I want to soak in each word. I don't want it to end, but I want to see what happens. I don’t want to jump to the sequel before this story is done. I don’t want to be thinking more about what is happening next, than what is happening now. I want to really LIVE this last chapter and not miss a moment...

You know, you just can't start a new book, til you've  finished the one you're  readin'.  And that’s the truth.

(PS The sun is shining, it is warm, Kai is NOT wearing leggings, she is playing in the sand, & Papa is wearing his ALOHA shirt. Oh yes he is!)

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand what you mean about the ending of a book!!In a way, I'm feeling that sadness now, even though this isn't a book (well, not fiction anyway), yet I have enjoyed reading your blogs so much I will be sad when they are over! Also, because that means the move is final! Sniff, sniff...
