Thursday, November 8, 2012

Coffee Please

Derek and Abby had a date night  (as in 24 hr date night) in Vegas at The Bellagio... They were telling us about the hotel (like acres of hotel....a whole city within a city hotel), and their room of those rooms where the bathroom is almost as big as Maxine.  And the ceiling is so tall Derek could do a morning reach-to-the-ceiling- stretch and not run into anything.  Where angels put chocolates at your bedside and fluff your pillows. And there is no ladder to climb to get to your bunk, errr, bed. (seriously, I was not jealous.  not at all)

While Mommy and Daddy played and rested and enjoyed we got to have fun with our grand kids.  We love being Papa and Gigi.   I especially love being Gigi in the afternoon and evening and late-morning.   

Obviously, EARLY morning is not my area of greatest gifting. But, when Jack woke up before sunrise I thought "i can do this, i can....i used to do this all the time, 30 years ago...."    After I gave Jack his bottle and snuggled him, I thought this was a great time for us both to go back to sleep. Jack wanted to talk.  And Play.  God Bless Keith .....who sprang into action and thought it would be fun to take Jack on an early morning sunrise bike ride.

So, Jack and Keith were off....and I settled in for a few more winks.  Yes!

Not Yes.  Kai was now awake and SO EXCITED to watch the sunrise with Gigi. (are you kidding me?) She sat on the edge of the bed , just waiting for the sun to come up.  SO EXCITED!  She had a notepad on her lap, and she pretended to write in her journal about everything she was seeing, and as she "wrote" she narrated every word with great joy and enthusiasm, and every sentence was punctuated with   "LOOK, Gigi"      "Gigi, LOOK, it is so beautiful"    "Gigi, LOOK, the sun is getting ready to rise".

I know most of you are thinking, who in their right mind would want to miss a sunrise memory making moment with their precious granddaughter.  I mean, hello.

I know.  I am a schmuck. I was tired.

Honestly though, I didn't want Kai to think I was a schmuck and a tired no fun Gigi.  And I really thought I was doing a good job of mumbling   "uh-huh" ~~ "oh wow"  ~~~ "yup" ~~ "oooh-ahhhh" at just the right intervals, until I heard,

 "GIGI, do you need some coffee?"

Seriously. Yes. 

She did get me laughing though...........
and I did catch the tail-end of the sunrise. 
 It was pretty dazzling, I must say.

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