Monday, December 10, 2012

The Sand Dollar

I'd like to share a story with you....
about a Sand Dollar.
Whenever I find a sand dollar, it is sort of like seeing a rainbow. 
It is like an oh wow and a dazzling moment all rolled into one.

Today we are camped on a bluff overlooking Avila Beach, 5 or so miles south of the city of San Luis Obispo.  We can hear the gentle waves, seals barking (yes really), watch pelicans dive for their dinner, walk to the sand and sea, and enjoy the beauty of the ocean from our front door. And there is a DOG BEACH.  Chester and Bailey think they have died and gone to heaven.  Seriously.

We moved from magnificent Morro Bay to Avila Beach yesterday.... Maxine crossed "the travel line!" into San Luis Obispo, and now we are camped in this small harbor just south of SLO.  One year ago, the six of us sat in a small cafe here, and  just dreamed of this journey. And talked.  And dreamed some more.
While here, we found pieces of sand dollars. Six pieces to be exact. None of them fit together.  They were just pieces. As we talked and prayed about our journey west (which was just a dream at the time & seemed so complicated to put together), I sensed the Lord saying ---- I will put the pieces together, no worries. Just give me the pieces. 

And now, one year and 2 months later (with an incredible-journey in our hearts), we are perched on a bluff overlooking Avila Beach.  It is so beautiful. we've been here for a few days, we've been talking/praying/wondering about "how" all the pieces will now fit together. And it is here, Avila Beach, we are parking for now, while we figure out the pieces of life here in the San Luis Obispo area ~~ a place we are now calling "home".  As the puzzle pieces are out there, I don't like to admit this but...... I tend to be the doubting Thomas in the group.  I do.  It's the truth.  Augh.

 I'm the one who whispers in Keith's ear at 2:00 in the morning,

 "Sweetie, are you awake?" 

" I am"

"Do you think everything is going to be OK?"

I can see him roll his eyes in the dark.

"Why are you rolling your eyes and smiling?"

"Because you never disappoint me ... ...  Yes, it will be OK.  More than OK."



Back to the Sand Dollar.  God is SO KIND with me. SO KIND.

Today, Kai and I took a walk up the road from our campsite.  As we were walking, we met the camp host, Bruce.  We introduced ourselves, and told him about our journey from sea to shining sea.   He was so friendly, and so interested in our story... and he told us a bit of his story as well.

After visiting, we walked a bit further.  Kai picked a white daisy with a purple center to give to her Mommy, then we turned around to walk back to Maxine. We walked past Bruce's home.  Then we heard a voice call, "Kai!"  We turned around and it was Bruce.  "I have a something to give you, Kai."  He asked her to close her eyes and hold out her hands.  She was shy to do so. Bruce told her he would give her the gift regardless.

Then, in her hands he placed a beautiful Sand Dollar.
NO WAY.  I wanted to shout HOLY SAND DOLLAR!!!
I looked at Kai, she looked at me....and our eyes were wide.  "THANK YOU!" we said. 
Bruce told us that Sand Dollars are a rare find on Avila Beach, but he wanted us to have this one.

It was a gift. 
Just placed in our hands.
Here, I have something to give you....
I kid you not, as we walked down the hill to our little home, the birds were singing.
Kai looked up, and she said, "Thank you for singing to me!"

And I had no words........
I  held a Sand Dollar in one hand........and Kai's tiny hand in the other.
I think it's all gonna be OK.  I do.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing God we serve!!! He knows just what we need to hear and how to say it!!!

    Blessings! Joyce
