Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kansas City, MO

It is Tuesday.  We are still in Kansas City.  It feels really good to be in one spot for a few days.

We are enjoying....
Being with Nick...
Doing laundry :-)
Extendo-hot showers... ahhh....
Deer ~~ momma's, daddy's, and spotted little ones
Long walks through green fields with the doggies and each other and by ourselves
Time in the prayer room  (Int'l House of Prayer, KC)  where Nick works/prays the nighwatch ~~
 Kai could hardly wait to go to the place where her Uncle Nick works, the place where the music & worship NEVER stop.  She wanted to dance there .... with her Gigi. 
 And we did.  And that time is etched in my heart, forever!
Taste-testing KC BBQ. 
Playing in the playground.
Feeling fall in the air.
Putting our feet up.
Jack playing in the dog's water dish....and getting MUDDY.
Sunshine.  Blue sky.  Big moon at night.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will packing up Maxine & pointing her westward once again.  Colorado will be our next major stop ~~~ but, I have a feeling there will be treasures along the way.  We Love You, thanks for reading along and sharing our journey.

P.S. In the midst of your day, don't forget to dance a little :-). 


  1. Would have loved to see Gigi and the lil' princess dancing in the prayer room before their King. ;) ~ Love and hugs, Sandy

  2. Thanks so much Diane for sharing your memories with us! For some reason this post brought tears to my eyes...maybe it was the dancing part. Can't wait to see you soon and be a part of the journey for a bit!! Melanie
