Monday, September 24, 2012

Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana

Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana
You just never know what beauty is around the next corner.  Here is one of those places.  This gorgeously green park, loaded with trees  and trails, sits on the shores of Lake James and Snow Lake.  Whether you are in need of a stopover ,or a place to retreat for a  longer bit ~~~ this is the spot to "park" in northern Indiana off of Route 80/90.

Ok, a little history ~~ The Potawatomi Indian people lived and ruled here for many years, and the park "Pokagon" gets her name from their last two most notable and respected leaders, who happened to be father and son ~  Leopold and Simon Pokagon. What a beautiful land they lived in & called home.  The lodge and park are named in their honor.

We pulled in, late afternoon,  ~~Maxine rollin' along with her new tire. We got here just in time to bundle up (brrrr, a bit CHILLY) and run around a bit before dinner & bedtime.  It's been rainy /chilly these last few days, and this morning we awoke to bright sunshine and a crisp blue sky AND warming temperatures (woohoo)

With the rising of the sun, Derek, Abby, Jack, Chester 'n Bailey ,took an early morning hike along a gorgeously wooded trail out to the lake  ~~ (where the dogs did not see the no swimming-sign and took their early a.m. plunge into icy waters). Keith, Kai, and I grabbed a few more winks.

Before heading out, we all ate breakfast at the Potawatomi Inn in the Park  ~~ What a beautiful lodge~~ old canoes displayed, huge stone fireplaces, log furniture, magnificent views out the sparkling & dancing across the lake.  Such a gorgeous setting and a peaceful way to begin the day.

There were two women in the dining room...enjoying tea and breakfast, Bibles and journals open. We spoke with them before leaving, they had shared countless waves and smiles with Jack and Kai as we walked around the lodge before eating. Two of the nicest ladies, soaking in God's creation, their friendship, and a day of prayer.  Before leaving, we all prayed together and they blessed us on our journey.  They prayed, asking the Lord to give us "serendipity moments" wherever we traveled.

                                                         He just did.   (smile)

We are now headed toward Illinois, planning to stay a few days.

Keith and are traveling from there up into Wisconsin to meet our dear friends, Joe & Sandy, for dinner and a sleep-over (as Kai calls it!).

Derek and Abby, kiddos 'n pups, will hang out in the spot God leads us to today, and enjoy some Illinois treasures.

 We are so thankful for His loving care and kindness each day, along the way ~~ and the people we get to meet on the journey.      

Pressing "pause" for now.
"Blue skies....smilen' at me....nothin' but blue skies do I see...."

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