Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Bee Sting

Today had an interesting turn of events..... We ended up staying about 2 hours from our plan "A" destination.

We stopped for lunch in East Hampton, Connecticut, right next to a su-weet pink ice cream house with a pond. As I was eating positively the best toasted coconut ice cream cone I had ever had in my entire life, a bee or hornet snuck up and stung my sticky hand.  It hurt hurt like frog squat, yikes,  and I shouted "sakamoto" and flung my cone across the lawn.

Ya know, I've never had an allergic reaction to a bee sting....until today.

It wasn't too long before I was itching, and hives were erupting. We all went back to Maxine, I popped two benadryl, put my hand on ice,  and decided to lay down for a bit. We got underway for the final leg of our journey.

We weren't driving 3 minutes before my ear and face began to swell.......and I thought, this is not good.  Immediately I told our fabulous driver & navigator that I needed to see a Doctor.  As God would have it, at the moment I spoke, there was an Emergency Medical Center right across the street.  Derek zipped in. Keith and I went in---- and within moments of my feet stepping through their front door  I was hooked up to an IV and getting lots of attention.  

While I was resting and getting my bee-allergy-reaction-meds-IV-drip, Keith sat with me, & Derek and Abby and kiddos and dogs went to find a campsite ~~ we decided this was indeed a nice place to stay for the night.  Not plan "A" but a good plan "Bee". (ha ha)  Two hours later, all was well and I was back to "normal" (whatever that is).

So thankful to God for His provision today. I mean, how amazing is that?? to have exactly what we needed at exactly the right moment.  Oh, &so  thankful my icecream cone was not completely smushed when I flung it.

Thankful ~~Diane

 P.S. Happy 37th Anniversary  to my sweetie, and thanks for holdin' my hand one more time :-)  It was quite a memorable day....         

PsPs And thank you, each one of you blog-friends,  for reading our IncredibleJourneyTails.  You bless us totally.  ......still trying to figure out how to find the link so you can leave comments. Can't seem to get it set up right.  Any help you can give would be great.


  1. dereknabby@gamil.comSeptember 6, 2012 at 6:31 PM crack me up! I love you!!

  2. Happy Anniversary to one of my very favorite couples in the world. Love "ya'll". Anna D.

  3. O, Diane, God is indeed so wonderful to provide all you need at the right time! I am thankful right along with you! we'll keep praying and trusting with you. thank you for sharing. Love you so much!
